February 6, 2020

Video Summary

To participate, first listen to the BBC More or Less Episode (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p07n8x0c). Then write a 250-300 word summary of the episode. Your summary should be accessible […]
February 6, 2020

Paper Needed! February 14th!! No Plagiarism!!

  Assignment: Descriptive StatisticsDue Week 7 and worth 140 points Visit one of the following newspapers websites: , , , or . Select an article that […]
February 10, 2020


In this project you are asked to conduct your own research into two variables that interest you. This project will give you an opportunity to apply […]
February 10, 2020


   In this project you are asked to conduct your own research into two variables that interest you. This project will give you an opportunity to […]
February 10, 2020

Confidence Intervals

 The project is broken into two parts.   In this Part I, you will pick a topic, complete research and provide a write-up that includes calculations. […]