January 23, 2020


  The Discussion Question is: Hamilton County judges try thousands of cases per year. In an overwhelming majority of the cases disposed, the verdict stands as […]
January 28, 2020


  Discussion Forum #3 The discussion forum this week continues to focus on the probability concepts. It makes use of the advanced reading for week 5. […]
February 2, 2020

An Orginal Reseach Paper( Linear Programming)

I am looking to publish a paper in this journal: Journal of Taibah University for Science The link of the journal is: https://www.tandfonline.com/tusc20   please let […]
February 4, 2020

Math Assignment.

  Refer to Major Assignment 3 attachments (Major Assignment 3, Major Assignment 3 Details, and Country List). Research the country using The World Factbook found on […]
February 4, 2020

Create Metric With Excel Data

Create a high standard metric showing the below. Show all pivot table fields and metrics/charts used in separate tabs if needed. . How many total for […]