Business Finance – Management

January 18, 2020

Enterprise Content Managemant

Within the Discussion Board area, write 150-180 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for […]
January 18, 2020


Business Name:  Uptown Swirl   Answer each market description below for Uptown Swirl. TARGET MARKET DESCRIPTION: (see attachment for additional details) 1. Demographic Description (age and […]
January 18, 2020

Lab 2

The Week 2 Lab will challenge you, as it has to do with sweeteners and obesity. Current research has shown that there may be a relationship […]
January 18, 2020

BUS: Case Study One

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Describe the main types of business entities and their defining characteristics. Apply product liability law and determine what […]
January 18, 2020


Marketing Vehicles for Uptown Swirl business (Uptown Swirl): Marketing is more than advertising. It refers to delivering value and benefits by creating products and services that […]