May 21, 2022

transmedia adaptation

Introduce a transmedia work that belongs to the genre of the week fan video remake Source text: Harry Potter booksTarget text: Harry potter fan remake  videos.(anyone […]
May 21, 2022

transmedia adaptation

Introduce a transmedia work that belongs to the genre of the week fan video remake Source text: Harry Potter booksTarget text: Harry potter fan remake  videos.(anyone […]
May 21, 2022

The long-term impact of West African art forms

1. Research an WEST African artist or artform since 18802. Analyze this artform or artist3.Focusing on how this particular art form or artist uses their work […]
May 23, 2022

Revival Mania – Robert Adam

Create a PPT that showcases 3 important examples of their work. Also provide a three-paragraph minimum description of your selections and analyze why these particular examples […]
May 24, 2022

Film Score Evolution

With consideration to the historical elements we’ve covered so far, discuss how the film music score from the new version of King Kong (2005) differs from […]