

ASSESSMENT BRIEF__________________________________________________________________

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Subject Title Mastering the Sale

Subject Code BUS305A

Assessment Title Sales Toolkit

Graduate Capabilities

a. Professional Expertise b. Innovative Problem Solving c. Technology & Information Literacy d. Independent Self-Management

Learning Outcome/s (found in the Subject Outline)

a. Interpret customer’s wants through the different stages of the personal selling process

b. Integrate personal selling techniques to make adequate sales related dialogue

c. Create an impactful elevator pitch d. Evaluate the key elements of successful sales management

models and the approaches used Assessment type (group or individual)


Weighting % 40%

Word count 1,000 words (+/- 10%)

Due day Week 11 – Sunday 11.55 pm (Sales Toolkit: Reflection Report)

Week 11 – Sunday 11.55 pm (for the Video: Sales presentation)

Submission type Turnitin ☒ Video link ☒

Format / Layout of Assessment

Sales Toolkit (Portfolio):

ICMS Cover Page

Executive Summary

Table of Contents



Reference List


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Oral and Visual Presentation:

Sales Presentation to prospect/customer (Talk) (via video submission link)

Sales Dialogue Template submission (See attached template) Note: You may attach this as an Appendix Item to your Reflection report 9Sales Toolkit) above.

Assessment instructions

For this assessment task you will prepare a comprehensive sales presentation on a product or service of your choice however, check with your lecturer regarding the suitability of your selection before you proceed. You will undertake some research to learn more about the product or service and to identify the target markets to develop your sales presentation (Oral and Visual). Your lecturer will provide some guidance as required. In this sales presentation simulation, you will present to a prospect. The sales presentation will include a sales dialogue template, and the development of a sales aid (such as a comparison graph, a business case, or a product demonstration). If you wish, you may engage other students to take the role of potential customers. Alternatively, you can present to your lecturer; you must provide a brief overview to provide some context as to what you are selling, who the prospect works for and the reason for the sales pitch presentation. Be creative! You will write a short reflection on your experience throughout the term to include the lessons learned from the knowledge gained from each weekly topic. Your reflection should also highlight how you have used this knowledge in preparing for the sales presentation. You will be graded for this assessment via: a. Reflection report you submit via Turnitin

• Include Appendices: supporting documentation i. Sales Dialogue Template (provided template) ii. Sales Aids (scripts, PPT’s etc.) to support your sales

presentation b. Oral presentation/demonstration (via Video Submission point)

Readings for the assessment

List or links to relevant readings Sales Dialogue and Presentation Template https://prezi.com/l/sales-dialogue-and-presentation-template/

The Ultimate Guide to Sales Scripts (With Examples) https://blog.hubspot.com/sales/sales-scripts-examples

Cold Calling Scripts: 25 Sample Sales Templates & Tips https://www.pipedrive.com/en/blog/cold-calling-scripts

Grading Criteria / Rubric The Sales Presentation (Simulation Reflection) will be assessed based on the following criteria –

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Assessment 3: Sales Presentation (Simulation Reflection) – Marking Rubric

Criteria HD

(85-100) D

(75-84) CR

(65-74) PASS

(50-64) FAIL

(0-49) Presentation (40%) 

Excellent presentation. The presenter engages the audience

with plenty of interaction and positive body language. An

effective sales presentation.

Good presentation. The presenter engages the audience with some

interaction and positive body language.

A reasonable presentation. There is some evidence of audience engagement however there is room for improved interaction with the prospect/audience.

A minimal presentation with some coherent discussion. Body language needs improvement.

Lacking significant engagement.

Very poor presentation. No audience/prospect engagement.

Body language is not at all engaging or suitable for the task set.

Sales dialogue template & development of sales aids (10 %) 

Excellent completion of Sales Dialogue Template and

development of suitable sales aids to assist in the sales presentation

to prospect. Thorough detail provided.

Suitable completion of Sales Dialogue Template and sales aids to assist in the sales presentation to prospect. Good level of detail


Sufficient completion of Sales Dialogue Template and sales aids to assist in the sales presentation

to prospect.

A reasonable attempt at completing the Sales Dialogue

Template and sales aids to assist in the sales presentation to


Student has misinterpreted the task or has not produced or

correctly completed the required support documents including Sales Dialogue Template or suitable sales

aids for the presentation to prospect.

Attention to purpose (10 %) 

Has addressed the purpose of the assessment comprehensively and


Has addressed the purpose of the assessment coherently and with some attempt to demonstrate


Has addressed the main purpose of the assessment task.

Some of the work is focused on the aims and themes of the


Fails to address the task assigned for this assessment.

Depth of Reflection on topics and sales presentation (simulation) (30 %)

Excellent and in-depth reflection on the sales presentation

(simulation) exercise.

Mastery of concepts and application to new

situations/further learning.

Good reflection on the sales presentation (simulation) exercise.

Well demonstrated capacity to

explain and apply relevant concepts covered this term.

General reflection on the sales presentation (simulation)


Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant


Marginal reflection on the sales presentation (simulation)

exercise. There are conceptual gaps in the reflection.

Resembles a recall or summary of

key ideas; lacking detailed insights and reflection.

Very poor reflection on the sales presentation (simulation) exercise.

Inadequate explanation of required concepts and knowledge covered

in this subject.

Research and Referencing 10%

Excellent referencing. Significant references are used by following

the correct referencing style.

Appropriate references are used by following the correct referencing


Credible references are used by following the correct referencing


Marginal referencing. Overall referencing style is problematic

and needs improvement.

Inadequate research with little or no connection to subject themes.

Referencing is non-existent or does not comply with Style Guide