Biomechanical Analysis of Lifting

Do I have the ACTUAL NUMBERS showing all the results of interest? For example, the original method
measurements, the redesign measurements, the costs changes from the original to the improved method, and the
cost to implement the new design, etc.
Did I meet the objective?
Did I show the summaries of the results in tables or figures, if applicable?
Did I put the raw data into the appendix?
I should NOT discuss my results here, but just present them.

Do I have the ACTUAL NUMBERS of interest to be used for discussion? For example, the original method
measurements, the redesign measurements, the costs changes from the original to the improved method, and the
cost to implement the new design, etc.
Did I explain the redesign in details by giving the specifications? For example, dimensions of the new product,
the measurements of the workstation, the methods of the new time schedule, and etc.
Did I make any suggestions for further study?
Did I make the conclusions relate to the problem and objectives?