
Running Head: Week 4 Assignment 4 1

Week 4 Assignment 4 2

· Compare the data to determine where relationships may exist. For example, you may ask if there is a relationship between education and income levels. Perform at least four different data comparisons.

· Provide an explanation based on your comparison results. Where do relationships exist and where do they not exist, according to the data?

· The story behind these data comes from a discrimination lawsuit filed, accusing the Artsy company of improper hiring processes and employment pay between men and women. Your task is to use these data to determine if the plaintiffs have a valid or strong case, which would then be presented in court to a jury.

· Use basic statistical analysis to compare the data.

In both of these data sets, you may choose to use the tools below or any others you feel are appropriate to tell the story and interpret the data. Not all tests are applicable for all data sets. It depends on the types of data and what you want to know:

· Mean, median, mode

· Quartiles

· Pivot tables

· Regression

· T-tests

· Time series

· Graphs, plots

Submit your results and explanations within the spreadsheets for grading. No written paper is required. Grading will be based on the depth of your analysis and how well you support your interpretation.