Bibl 364 Thread: Forum 3 Module 4 Reply

Only use 150 words per students is fine

After reading your classmates threads, you must reply to at least 2 threads. Each reply must be at least 200 words (100 words per question) and must follow current Turabian style as necessary. The reply posts must be supported by references to the Reading & Study materials, must evidence thoughtful reflection on the topics, and must advance the discussion.

Be sure to click Reply within the thread to which you intend to respond. Also, note that I like what you said, Thats a good comment, and I disagree with your comment do not count as complete replies in and of themselves. Rather, stating why you liked or disliked the comment, adding additional thoughts or ideas to the original comment, and/or providing alternative ideas or thoughts when you disagree will count as a reply. Courtesy in any disagreement is expected.