behavior management in ECE

Assignment #1

Social-Emotional Development

For your reflection, write a minimum of one paragraph for each topic showcasing in your own words, what you have learned from the readings, PowerPoints, videos, and other resources within these topics. Add details such as what information is brand new to you and what is a refresher, what tools have you learned that you have been working on implementing and how have they helped you? etc

Please check and read the files before complete the assignment

Assignment #2

Respond to my classmate discussion
( give a short response to my classmate discussion ) Example: I agree with you because.
I like what you said about etc

Classmate discussion

There is no single, universally accepted definition of the term disability, more than 20 definitions have been used for the purposes of entitlement to government services, private or public income support programs or statistical analysis. The book describes disability as a temporary or permanent reduction in function. These can include physical or health-related, psychosocial, sensory, mental or psychiatric, cognitive or learning, neurological, intellectual, and developmental disabilities. Some of these disabilities can be visible or invisible to others, and it may be present since birth or could start at any age.  May occur because of a genetic predisposition or issue before, during, or after birth or it may occur at a later age due to an accident of some sort. People may also experience more than one disability at a time. Social Workers generally prefer to use the asset promoting positive terms of physical and cognitive challenge and abilities rather than disability when working with clients.

An Invisible disability is a physical, cognitive or developmental impairment that is not immediately apparent to others. Just because someone does not look sick or disabled as the Being Young and disabled: video states it does not mean they are healthy individuals. Often those with invisible disabilities are implicitly told to prove their disability or as the commentator says prove themselves. It is important to keep in mind that disabilities may be invisible so that we do not discriminate against those individuals. It is also important because often these types of disabilities go unrecognized, untreated and are subjected to scrutiny. Rachel the youtuber who made the video talks about how friends have guiltripped her often talking about how she doesnt look sick or she just posted a photo with others and she looked fine so why now is she sick. That type of mindset with invisible disabilities makes friendships, relationships, working, school and life in general more difficult. Also makes her feel that society is telling them they are not worthy, they are not trying hard to push themselves out of their disability contribute to society. Some examples of an individual disability are depression, bi polar disorders, anxiety disorders, diabetics, ADD and ADHD, traumatic brain injuries and the list continues.

People with physical, cognitive, and developmental challenges experience discrimination and injustices. Sometimes the discrimination is subtle and unconscious, other times the prejudice and discrimination are blatant and intended. Discrimination is often due to social stigmas, a stain on the way a person is perceived that leads him or her to be shunned by others. A famous 20th century sociologist, Erving Goffman (1963), noted that stigma is a process by which the reaction of others spoils normal identity. Goffman identified three forms of social stigma: Visible or outer deformations, deviations in personal traits, and imagined or real traits of ethnic group, nationality or religious group that deviate from the norm. Whatever the form of social stigma the person stigmatized is subjected to discrimination and lose social status.  People who are stigmatized because of their challenges begin to act the way they are perceived to be. Stigmas can shape peoples beliefs and emotions leading them to feel depressed or have low self-esteem.

Both Ted Talks from Loretta Clairborne and Temple Grandin show how much work is needed to be done so those with intellectual disabilities such as autism are not feared any longer. Loretta mentioned how much her mother pushed for her to get an education just like the rest of her 6 siblings. That her mothers fearlessness helped shape her, and lead her to compete in the special Olympics. The special Olympics allows Loretta a sense of normalcy and access to healthcare something previously denied thanks to the work and fearlessness of Eunice Kennedy Shriver. Temple talks about how masterminds of the past such as Einstein, Mozart and Tesla would probably be diagnosed in the autistic spectrum. Overall, both videos helped me learn that a mental disability does not make one intellectually dumber, their brain is just wired or works differently. It shows how wrong that stigma that the intellectually challenged are unable to think for themselves really is.

The best practices a social worker can practice while working with the challenges are to be person-centered. To allow those with disabilities to be involved in decisions that directly affects their life. To allow them to make decisions for themselves without the influence of others. However, it does not mean they should tackle every challenge on their own. A social worker educates and help the challenged and their support system cope with challenging situations. They should take on the strength theory philosophy and identify what their clients strengths are to build on the clients strengths and resources. A good social worker can better serve their clients by using careful terminology, words are powerful and the languages used can shape their clients beliefs and ideas about themselves. Social workers ae educators, program developers and group leaders but most importantly advocates. They advocate for access to resources; they tackle the stigma and discrimination they face., maximize their client self-determination and knowledge about resources and agencies they may need to use.