
Pay attention to the different parts of the questions and be sure that you address all parts.

I. Application/Reflection:
1. For what purpose should a public speaker (and professional adult who speaks in any gathering) be well-versed in the signs of fallacious arguments? What kind of life application does the study of fallacies have outside of the realm of debate? In your answer, use 1 example of a fallacy we studied in class or in the videos.

2. How have you come to apply Aristotle’s 3 Appeals to your thinking and practice of public speaking? What have you learned can happen when a speaker gives emphasis to certain Appeal(s) while forsaking the other(s)? Be specific in your response for each of the Appeals. Make specific reference to one point in our reading from Aristotle.

3. What does being an audience-centered speaker means to you? How can your speech reflect your attention to the needs and values of your listeners while also serving your own agenda/goals at hand?

II. Mechanics of Delivery

1. We have spoken about POISE in each style of public speaking we practiced. Define poise in your own terms as it relates to this course, and reflect on its importance to a public speaker.  How do YOU look (personally) when you embody poise, and how do you know when it is ‘on’?

2. Choose any 5 elements of delivery from the list below. Reflect on what you have learned about these elements and how you have seen personal improvement in these areas. Be concise in the meaning of these terms!


      pitch variation


      breath control




      eye contact