Article 3 Lee (1996) Empowerment Approach, Part 1, pp 218-235__xid-5123297_2 (1).pdf

Article 3 Lee (1996) Empowerment Approach, Part 1, pp 218-235__xid-5123297_2 (1).pdf

Critical Analysis Research Assignment
Students will write a summary and critical review of a journal article using one of the theories and articles assigned by the professor.

Each paper should contain the following content: Minimum and Maximum of 3 pages for the body

I. Cover Page

II. Summary of the Article answering the following:
how the chosen theory was used in the research, and
how well the chosen theory was applied in the study.
a brief summary of the article and theory used,
1 page maximum for the summary of the article and theory used in the article;

III. Critical Analysis of the Article answering the following:
a discussion of how the theory was used in the article, and
How helpful was the theory in understanding the issue/concept of the article? Why or why not? (Support with scholarly references and citations)
Why do you think this article was grounded in the assigned theory?
2 pages minimum and maximum on the critical analysis of the articles use of the theory.

IV.  Reference Page