Any topic (writer’s choice)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Spirituality affects every aspect of a person’s life therefore offering emotional and spiritual care support should be an important focus for all health care providers (Evans, 2020). Spiritual care may consist of tending to the patients spiritual or religious needs as they cope with an illness, loss, grief or pain. Providing this kind of care can help them heal emotionally as well as physically and help them regain a sense of spiritual wellbeing.

A very big weakness of mine is taking patients decisions personally. I get very emotionally involved and I have had to learn to limit this as it takes a toll on me mentally and emotionally. One strength that I have is compassion despite religious or spiritual differences. Showing empathy and tenderness to patients even if I dont agree with their worldviews, allows me to connect with them at a deeper level, promoting respectful interactions where the patients views are valued. Another of my strength emanates from the recognition that every person has a spiritual nature that needs to be respected and incorporated in providing care for them. But again, I never assume that I have to be religious to give spiritual care. Although some patients have formal religious beliefs, many seek meaning in other ways. Spiritual interventions do not have to be difficult or intimidating. By applying some key concepts, I can become more comfortable with effective spiritual interventions. If I were the patient, I would hope to have the say in my decision-making. This is not always the case. If needed I would hopefully have a POA appointed that would respect my wishes. I may listen to other advice and let God guide me, but I would be the only one to make the final decision if capable.

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