Any topic (writer’s choice)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Note that you MUST somehow write on 4 out of the 5 bullet-pointed authors/works from below. For instance, while you may write on both Coming of Arthur and Passing of Arthur (or just one of these is fine!), you can only count them as ONE entry.  For another example, you can write on one excerpt from a Victorian Issue reading to represent ONE entry, but then you can NOT write on another Victorian Issue reading to represent another entry.  You should carefully choose which topics/authors you wish to write on before starting to write. You should also form an outline in order to keep your essays on track as you build your arguments.

Again, you somehow need to write on 4 out of the 5 bullet-pointed items below:

ANY one or more Victorian Issues reading (from Evolution, Woman Question, Empire and National Identity)
Alfred, Lord Tennyson (Coming of Arthur and/or Passing of Arthur from Idylls of the King)
William Morris (Defence of Guenevere)
George Bernard Shaw (Mrs. Warrens Profession)
Oscar Wilde (Salom)

Past and Present:
Shaws Mrs. Warrens Profession is a work clearly set during and dealing with issues considered very timely for the late Victorian (or fin-de-siecle: end of the century) English audience.  On the other hand, other literary works we studied in this sectionComing of Arthur and Passing of Arthur from Tennysons Idylls of the King, Morriss Defence of Guenevere, Wildes Salomeare set in vastly different worlds many centuries earlier, even if these works still appear to be responding to their own Victorian crises or moods.  Choosing Mrs. Warrens Profession and one other work listed here, compare and contrast the authors success in addressing their Victorian audience with either a recognizable (ie, Victorian) or an unfamiliar (ie, Arthurian times or first century AD/CE) setting.  For instance, would you say that their worksand any critiques they might be directing towards their audienceare more or less successful with the use of a contemporary setting?  As you approach this topic, please consider what might be gained or lost by a critique of Victorian societies deliberately set in different eras. [For your texts, you need to use Shaw and ONE other literary work.]