Any topic (writer’s choice)

The following assignment is for Unit 4 Lesson 1: Pesticides.
Purpose: assess the personal risks associated with pesticides in our homes.
Complete this activity by doing the following and posting your answers in the thread titled “List of Pesticides.”
Collect the name and information of as many pesticides (insecticide, herbicide, fungicide, and biocide) you can find in your home.
Collect (A) the name of the product and (B) the active ingredient(s) of the pesticides located in your home.
Think of all the places you might find a pesticide (hint: with cleaning supplies or in the garage).
If you do not live at home, then ether (1) try and get someone still living at home who can get the information for you,  (2) go to a grocery store, discount, or hardware store and find a product you remember seeing/using at home, or (3) search the Internet for products you remember seeing/using at home.
Add the name and corresponding active ingredient(s) to the class’s list in the thread title “List of Pesticides.”
The thread can be found by clicking this link to the discussion board titled “What Pesticides We Use” or by clicking the “Discussion Board” link in the navigation bar on the left and find the same discussion board.