Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose 1 of the following Discussion Topics and provide your answers using appropriate medical terminology.

1. A patient is admitted with renal calculi.

a. What symptoms will the patient manifest if he is experiencing renal colic?
b. How will the nurse best manage the renal colic?
c. The nurse is straining the urine for presence of stones that the patient may have passed. What is the importance of this nursing action?

2. A patient on a medical floor has an indwelling catheter that has been in for 2 weeks.

a. Why are patients with indwelling urinary catheters at an increased risk for urinary tract infections?
b. Name the pathogens that may be seen in UA.
c. In caring for a patient with an indwelling urinary catheter, what nursing actions can be employed to decrease the patients risk for the development of a urinary tract infection?