Any topic (writer’s choice)

INDIVIDUALLY, you will write a brief analysis in response to the Wildfire case that has been previously discussed in our seminars. The purpose of this assessment is for you to engage with organisational design models and frameworks discussed, apply them in the context of business growth and to encourage reflection on your learning journey.

In this assignment, you will take on the role of an HR consultant reporting to me, as the CEO of our MGTS Consulting business.

Your task will be to identify and discuss organisational design and restructuring issues likely to arise in the creation of a new team to explore a new product offering for the case organisation, Wildfire Entertainment and to recommend some solutions. The Wildfire Entertainment CEO, Elizabeth Rankin, has developed an opportunity to expand in to a new product line of gamified psychometric assessments for the recruitment & selection industry.  In addition, you will be asked to reflect on what you have learned during the semester and how you will apply this in your future career.

Your analysis will address the three (3) questions raised in the case scenario and will be a maximum of 1300 words, (excluding references). You will be writing for a business audience in the genre of a letter or detailed e-mail.  but will include citations from relevant sources to support your analysis. You must use a minimum of three (3) good quality peer-reviewed journal articles, along with other good quality practitioner references as needed.  Please use the course reading list provided as a starting point.  All sources must be cited correctly and included in a reference list according to the Academy of Management (AMJ) referencing style.  Please avoid references to text books, lecture notes and other random papers you may find on the Internet.  The full rubric for the assignment is attached.  Please use the marks allocated to each aspect of the assignment to guide the amount you write.