Any topic (writer’s choice)

This assignment requires a SafeAssign Report.

Section A:  50 points (10 marks each)

Define and explain the functioning and significance of the following terms:

Universalization of time
White settler society
Economic time
Embodied practice and routine
Ideology of domesticity

For every concept, please format your answer with clearly demarcated headings in the following manner:

Define (2 marks)
Explain the social impact or role it plays (e.g. Influence on us and/or how we influence it; inequalities produced; or the way it influences social relations) (4 marks)
The importance and significance of the concept (e.g. why it is relevant to our course, to understanding a particular pheonomenon or its relation to our concepts) (4 marks)
Each answer should refer to at least 1 reading (Double spaced; 12-point font; suggested length = 200 words)

Section B:  50 points (25 marks each)

You have a neighbour Amy, who is a black woman in her thirties whose ancestors came through the Underground Railroad to the Windsor area and has several generations of history here.  She has a steady job and a teenage son and a ten-year old daughter.  Her husband of mixed European ancestry is also productively employed and you often talk to them when you see the family together in the neighbourhood street events.

To what extent does she experience being out of place in a place like Windsor? (25 marks)

To answer this question, you will have to explain what being out of place means, including the cues, the set-ups, the symbolic meanings, institutional practices and the surroundings with which she would have to negotiate.  Ground your answer in at least two readings.

Taking Amys perspective, how has the home changed through time and space as a result of pandemic lockdown?  (25 marks)

To answer this question, you will need to explain the meanings and uses of the home.  It would have meant different things to different people and at different times, with modernization, group experience and other changes in our society, based on their intersectional position, and how the home socializes and organizes us in different ways.  Ground your answer in at least two readings.

The answers should be double-spaced in 12 point font and grounded in the readings (Suggested Length: 500 words).  Longer answers acceptable within reason.

All essay questions should be fully cited and properly formatted as an essay with clear central argument and organization of ideas.,_Ontario

My experience of windsor is mixed mostly not the best i discriminated on many times, i was egged too
as a female of African descent