Any topic (writer’s choice)

Format of a Case Analysis and General Rules/Guidelines
A Case Analysis should consist of the following four parts:
1. Title Page:
Title, Author, Institutional Affiliation, Course Number and Name, Instructor Name, Assignment
Due Date
2. Abstract
Briefly summarize your paper using less than 250 words.
3. Main Body:
Double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman, no less than five pages.
A well-written case analysis should take at least five pages. When writing a case analysis,
incorporate details – especially for the implementation part.
Case grade will receive a 5-point deduction for each page fewer than 5; e.g. a 4-page main body
receives a 5-point deduction, a 3-page main body receives a 5×2=10-point deduction
4. References
References must be provided in a separate section after the main body. This section must be titled