Any topic (writer’s choice)

I don’t know how to put this one in?  If you need me to change the order please let me know. 

Individual Case Study (Due Week 7)
This case study looks at the behavior of a circuit board process through the use of control charts. At least two control charts will need to be constructed, and from them, you will be asked to provide an assessment of what you see. A template to facilitate the construction of the control charts has been provided in Files:  GSCM326_Case_Study_Template.xlsx.  You are not required to use this template; however, it will greatly facilitate the solution.

Problem Statement
Fujiyama Electronics Inc. has had difficulties with circuit boards purchased from an outside supplier. Unacceptable variability occurs between two drilled holes that are supposed to be 5 cm apart on the circuit boards. Thirty samples of four boards each were taken from shipments from the supplier. The data obtained can be found on a worksheet in Files: Fujiyama_Electronics_Sample_Data.xlsx.

A tutorial is available to help complete the Week 7 Team Case Study assignment, titled WK7_Case_Study_Tutorial.

The student will submit the completed case study in a Word document Due Week 7.

The students will complete and answer the following questions.

Calculate X-bar-bar, R-bar, and associated control limits using the data in the table above.
Create x and R (average and range) control charts from the data in the table above.
Discuss notable out-of-control conditions displayed in the completed x and R (average and range) control charts. Only consider points outside the control limits. Do not consider runs, set of points within certain zones, and so forth.
If the conditions you note could be defined as assignable conditions, and they are removed from the process, then what will happen to the X-bar and R control chart?
Remove the data related to the out-of-control points you observed from the original data, and recalculate new X-bar-bar, R-bar, and associated control limits.
Create new X-bar and R (average and range) control charts from your updated data.
Discuss how the two sets of control charts are different. What has changed?
The format of the case study should conform APA guidelines for the title page and text. Citations and references are required to adhere to APA guidelines. A basic APA Paper template can be found in Files.

The completed case study paper will include all graphics and charts as part of the Word document.

Case Study Grading Rubrics
Fujiyama Electronics Case Study Grading Rubric
Component    Points Possible
First Control Chart
All calculations are correct.    15
X-bar and R-charts are presented and correct.    15
All conditions of importance are discussed.    15
Total    45
Second Control Chart
All calculations are correct.    15
X-bar and R-charts are presented and correct.    15
Differences between the two sets of control charts are thoroughly discussed.    15
Total    45
The paper, including the title page, follows APA guidelines for format (references and citations not required).    2
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.    2
The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.    2
Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.    2
Spelling is correct.    2
Total    10
Total (100%)    100
Best Practices
The following are the best practices in preparing this paper.

Cover page: Include the person you prepared the paper for, who prepared it, and the date.
Body of your work:
Include titles to identify different areas that you address.
State the main ideas, major points in each idea, and supporting information.
Break down each main idea you will use in the body of your paper.
Show some types of division, like separate sections that are labeled, separate groups of paragraphs, or headers.
Include all graphs, charts and images to support ideas
Include the information you found during your research and investigation.
Summary and conclusion:
Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing, but it presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original.
An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your report.
References: APA-formatted references are required for this assignment.