Any topic (writer’s choice)

Part 1: Meaningful Community Service
Write an article about a local historic place, event, or person. (Hint: Think of this as something you would write for your local newspaper (editorial piece) to raise awareness in Atlanta Georgia)

Part 2: Reflection
Write a short 3-paragraph (max one page) reflection of your experience. In the first paragraph, explain what you could do in Atlanta Georgia. In the second paragraph, describe how your letter/article could contribute to the preservation of the historical event or place.  And in the third (final) paragraph, describe how this experience altered your understanding of history and the role that we (as a community) play in making and preserving history.

No citations are necessary for this assignment.

In this reflection paper, I am looking for evidence of three things:
You thought about community service in a constructive and meaningful way.
You have thoughtfully considered the hands-on role we (as members of a community) play in creating, maintaining, and preserving the historical record.
You can effectively communicate what you learned in a reflection paper that addresses the value of history and follows the conventions of Standard American English.