Any topic (writer’s choice)

For hints and structure on how to begin, I suggest that you
* figure out the message in your song that connects to a current social topic of  ( immigration reform and open pathways to citizenship are important civic engagement issues. Political involvement is also needed in greater amounts to address racism, scapegoating, and fear.)
* write about the four rhetorical appeals and how they are used to bring across the message in the song
* be sure to use both the lyrics and the video.
*  But, essentially, I am suggesting that you have one paragraph on the ethos of the artist. Consider answering the question of why ___ is a credible spokesperson for this message. Then transition to the importance of the message; why is ______ message important for listeners to hear right now. Then have a paragraph about the appeal of pathos (towards some specific emotion) in the lyrics, followed by one paragraph about the appeal to pathos in the video. You will do the same with logos: one about the logos in the lyrics and one about the logos in the video. Write your intro and conclusion and you’re done with your rough draft. The entire paper should be 3-5 pages long, so you are looking for less than half a page per paragraph to meet the 3-page minimum. 

The song you will be using to write this song analysis paper is “freedom” by Pharrell Williams