Any topic (writer’s choice)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Personal connection with people
Newspaper, podcast, tv, radio, public rally, social media, meeting with NEA  chair person, NEA grant person, interest group, organizing people advocacy, mass communication, face-to-face activities.

Outcome: amount of granding

Needed: more specific advocacy timeline, how pandemic affect advocacy plan, realistic timeline, campaign fit this time, reflect current

Address everything required:

A brief introduction of current policy

Identification of members of the advocacy coalition

Targets of the advocacy campaign (elected officials, other decision-makers)

Advocacy messages

Anticipated outcomes

Mechanisms to both mobilize advocacy partners and deliver the messages–a) e-mail campaigns, b) rallies, c) legislative visits, d) traditional and social media, and e) public meetings and/or candidate forums, etc.

Methods of tracking support for the policy proposal (e.g., polling)

A brief timelines for all stages of the advocacy campaign.