Annotated Bibliography

For this assignment, you will develop a written assignment using the Annotated Bibliography formatting on the topic of Vulnerable/Special Populations and Health Care Policy. Identify one vulnerable/special population group of interest (racial/ethnic minorities, the uninsured, children, women, the homeless, rural health, migrant workers, mental health, chronically ill/disabled/dying, the elderly, HIV/AIDS, or other topics of interest). Then find three current scholarly journal articles that discuss the major health needs and challenges that this vulnerable population typically faces in the United States and a current related health care policy.

A bibliography is a list of sources (books, journals, Web sites, periodicals, etc.) one has used for researching a topic. Bibliographies are sometimes called “References” or “Works Cited” depending on the style format you are using. A bibliography usually just includes the bibliographic information (i.e., the author, title, publisher, etc.). Purdue Writing Lab has a resource on Annotated Bibliographies.

The following article by Owl Purdue contains information on formatting an Annotated Bibliography.

Write an annotated bibliography of each article separately that includes these elements:

An Introduction to the problem/issue.
A Summary of each article analyzing information related to the vulnerable population of choice and a related health care policy (1-2 paragraphs). Also, include an analysis of the source (journal or research study) – this can be as simple as saying the article was valid because it was published in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal. If summarizing a research study, you could identify any shortcomings of the study, such as a small sample size. Here are directions on how to evaluate a source.
A Conclusion discussing how your thinking about the topic may have changed and any “wonderments” or ideas you were left thinking about after reading each article.