Analytic Reflection- Testimony – art and practice module

Write a 2-3 page analytic reflection that discusses and critiques key themes from the Testimony – art and practice module.

An analytic reflection should have the following elements:

– A clear analytic argument –  Clearly identify the key theme or critique that you will discuss.

– Citation of evidence from the materials in the two modules – Provide evidence, examples or details from all the module materials.  There are two parts to the module. Include reference materials in the module materials (the two articles and two testimonies from Chasing the Harvest).

– Strong conventions of writing – It should be well organized and be proofread for correct grammar and spelling.

Tips and recommendations:

Write in the third person.
Include titles and subheadings to organize your piece
Get creative! Name your own theory, suggest new directions for research, journalism, or film making, or weave in evidence from other sources.
Write only 2-3 pages. Any writing beyond 3 pages will not be graded.

(1) Be specific, what is your overall theme/argument. (2) Keep the text consistent. (3) Read over your assignment before submitting it to catch any grammatical errors. (4) Define big concepts and then provide specific examples from the material.

Module: Part 1

Scientific Literature:

Bernal et al – Chicana Latina Testimonios

Chasing the Harvest:

The Ayala Family

Module: Part 2

Scientific Literature:

Ethical Ambiguities in Participatory Action Research With Unauthorized Migrants

Chasing the Harvest:

-Harold McClarty