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As a reminder this is a formal literary essay to be written in third person, using supporting quotes from the novel as evidence. There should be no personal narrative in this type of essay. 

Final Paper Due On Canvas – 4 FULL pages (end of page 4) Plus Works Cited page.

The rubric is based on the same grading criteria developed by the English department and provided as a link in this course syllabus and in Elements of 1101 and 1102 on pages 34 and 35. It is the official grading criteria, and here is the short version with the most important elements with 5 strands:

1) Thesis/Argument – paper must provide a clearly stated argument in one sentence at the end of the introduction. The thesis must obviously be about the essay prompt, that is, making a relevant and valid argument in response to the prompt.  100 pts max (No thesis papers cannot pass)

2) Evidence/Quotation/Support – All body paragraphs must have quotes from the reading to support the thesis. All quotes need to be analyzed/explained and connected to overall argument/thesis.  Quotes must be properly introduced. 100 pts max (A paper without supporting quotes cannot pass)

3) Organization -Topic sentences, transitions, logical order of body paragraphs. 80 pts max

4) Audience – Appropriate tone; no slang, informal English; no usage of You or I (Paper using first person narrative and/or second person “you” cannot pass) 60 pts max

5) Grammar/Language/Formatting – MLA style must be used throughout from the heading to works cited page; the Grammarly App is great to catch grammatical errors. 60 pts. max.